Hello! It's been a while since I wrote. After effects of the switch from being a student to a workaholic I guess. So many things have changed. Had written this a while back, didn't get to publishing it.
Do you cycle in and out of phases? Say, One week you are eating out all the time and then it takes forever for you to get back to your routine of cooking at home. One week you just want to stay out of your home. One week all you want to do is curl up with a book in bed.
I'm currently in the socialising phase tending towards curling up in bed - almost there.
So socializing. Say you go out. A mixed group. Old people. New people - You don't know. You know the old ones. How they act. What they actually like. What they don't. What they believe in. Yada yada. You get the point.
Then the unlikeliest of people start conversing and hit it off. You know what I'm talking about right?
So what do you like doing in your free time?
"Blah blah bla"
You know both of them. And you're listening to the conversation..
Half the time you're smirking or rolling your eyes.
People can be so deceptive! It's like they're portraying themselves to be exactly what the other person wants to see. Exactly the opposite things. They're totally not into sports. "Oh I love playing sports!" translating to 'I'm gonna say whatever it takes for you to like me.' Disgusting it is.
Should I say disgusting? I don't know. I don't understand people's intentions. I am only looking at the outer layer of the behavior. Not really analyzing why people are doing what they do. Are we supposed to be doing that? Isn't that too much of a hassle? Why care about what they are actually thinking, right?
But somehow it is connected to your life. Your happiness and theirs is intertwined. One cannot live with people for too long. One cannot live without them either. And so you say anything when you do meet them. Phases.