Thursday, January 20, 2011


Loved the LOTR. Especially Gollum. This is dedicated to him. :)

Oh gollum how I empathize with thee!
In his master he trusted,
But the trust wasn't meant to be!
He turned slightly demented, 

but a small part of him was undented.
In his mind there were always two paths-
He always chose the one that would get him wrath.
It wasn't his fault.
What he did was always wielded by the ring
He thought the path he took would make him king
But all he got in the end, was a nasty fling.


Malloc Internal said...

thats amazing... where did you flicked it from :p

Ashwini said...

^ I didn't "flicked" it from anywhere. That is why it is amazing.

Anonymous said...

good one man