Thursday, June 23, 2011

Me and Theories. More me.

Over the years. Things change. You change. 
You sort of take the best things from around the people you know to become who you are.
Sometimes you pick up the wrong things. But someone else will come along and correct those things (hopefully)

OMG, How I met your mother is getting to me! Those lines sound like what Ted would say right? :))
But hey it's original haan!

So here are some of my quirks, lessons learnt, things that I picked up: 

1. I've begun reading books right from the foreword. Even textbooks. :)
2. I have to drink a glass of water after I brush my teeth.
3. I don't believe what people close to me are saying unless I get a proof from someone else.
    Got that from Dad. Pisses Mom a lot of times. Even I get pissed. 
    But, now, I do the same thing! :|
4. I tend to talk and be nice to people who aren't that close to me.
    But, My family, my room-mates: I get pissed with.
    Reversing that. Surely!
5. I want to travel the world. But, not alone.
6. I love watching movies on HBO. Entertaining. Insightful.              Missing that now :|
7. If the reasons are compelling enough, anybody can be anybody!
    "Miss Poet" talking :D
8. I think I let people take advantage of me. 
    My premise: Everybody is good, unless proven to be wrong.
    But, over the years again, it has changed to: 
        Everybody is bad, unless they keep proving they're good.
9. I like being goofy. It's sad when people think that is all there is to me.
   Shows they don't know me. Hence, I'm not supposed to feel bad about it.
   But, I STILL feel bad.
   Which gets me to the point:
10. I am super-sensitive. I cry. A lot.
     For silly things. Can't stop. :|
That rhymes.

11. I have a theory: People are born with/over the years develop a basic underlying emotion. That is the emotion they go to by default, when they don't know how to react. 
When caught in headlights, the deer:
Jokes/Cries/Gets angry.
My friend got mad at her bf, when he fell sick (How is it his fault that he fell sick?) But then, that is her underlying emotion: Getting angry.
Another one got yelled at by a random book-seller at a stall: She started crying. That is her underlying basic emotion..
Another...etc etc etc.
Think about it. Do you know what your underlying emotion is?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Something's fishy.

"Step out in style" - is my dad's mantra. To an extent I think his daughters have got a pretty good hang of it. :D
But sometimes the circumstances are not in your hands.
You have oil in your hair, the water hasn't heated up yet and exactly then your dog runs out of the house. And the roles reverse. YOU have to chase it.
Or something close to it.
So I like smelling good. Another trait inherited from Dad. And I totally hate it when I/my_clothes smell. No not the human sweaty smelly thingy. HERE, in the US of A, the ventilation sucks.
When I first got here, I remember feeling claustrophobic. No windows! AC on all the time, so everything has to be shut. But you get used to it. But the problem arises, for me atleast, when we cook.
The typical Indian food, with all the spices. You don't open the door and your house/clothes left outside- everything would smell of the spices. Don't get me wrong. I love Indian food. I love the aroma. I love the spices.. But not if it looks like my clothes have been washed in it.
I am extremely particular about keeping the door open and pissing off all my room-mates whenever I cooked.
So in this new apartment, I did the same. Opened the door. Cooking, oblivious to the surroundings.
Everytime we cooked, we would hear a door suddenly slamming shut. Then finally one day we were asked to close our door when we cook. This time, the neighbors had a problem.
But, I cheated. I kept the door slightly open. Didn't realize how frustrated my neighbours really were. Somebody actually came and closed the door shut from outside. :))
Yummy Avocado rolls at Kyoto's. You should totally try them!

I know it is annoying I guess. When people cook seafood, the whole floor stinks! You can smell it as soon as you step out of the elevators.
But then again, what is the other option? I dont want the house to smell. (Read: my clothes) An open window doesn't help that much.
Reiterating, why is the ventilation so bad! Stooopid ACs.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mythological past Modernistic future.

Interesting read:

Read and come back here to discuss with me.
Ok first the title: 5 guys every women 'should' have is a bit too much. I don't think the categories of the bad guy or the love buddy need to be in there.

I also think you can't really put one person in just one category. There could be an overlap of traits, after all, humans are complicated. Your best friend could smoke or be the bad guy, vice-versa. The one person who fits all the categories would be your husband. More than the habits/ thoughts it's how well you gel with him.
Who cares what has happened in the past. Everyone has a past. But if you want that to ruin your future, then even God can't help you.
Going by the comments on that page, half of them are scandalized about dragging Draupadi into this. To them: Go read/ watch the series again. Actually read. Because a video edits out a lot of details from a book.
You cannot compare everything to the scriptures. Back then, there was no government. There were kingdoms. And different rules. People thought differently. When someone gave a word to someone else, it was final. Draupadi wanted Bheem to go kill someone just because he didn't keep his word. Would that happen now? Are men like that?
When the men have changed, so have the women.
Did women work anywhere other than being maids or courtesans or cooks back then? Didn't the men enjoy more than women and treat them as objects?
Now we have women working and running the household. some cases even supporting the out-of-a-job husband. The household dynamics have changed. There is a shift in power. The man is no longer the 'man' of the house. Roles change. So do the expectations.
But still there are men out there who want to treat women like they are objects. Wake up! Give her the respect she deserves.

And then there are others on that page, who are offended just to think that their wife would have been with a guy before. Hypocrites who would have desperately wanted/tried to get a gf in college, but couldn't get one. And now can't accept it that she would have been with someone. To all of them, may you get a wife who will lie to you about everything, just to keep you happy. Who will fulfill every whim and fancy, and keep you 'happy'.

People don't know from the beginning if a relationship will work or not. You keep going until you/other person feel that you cannot marry this person.
And then there is the fresh new start. It's not that a girl/boy would have wanted to have a past. It's just that he/she does. Accept it. Don't let that ruin your married life.

Does the writing seem too feminist? I'd love to know what you think about this.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feelings are universal.

Animals are lovely! It's amazing to see them exhibit all the usual feelings a human has. Sometimes maybe more human than humans themselves. Think of all the cold people you know of. To get what I'm talking about.

My dog is a part of the family. She loves us like we love her. We scold her she feels bad and goes and sits in a corner of the house feeling all dejected. You can see those expressions on her face!
We praise her and she's all happy and excited and tries to please us more and keep us happy.
She always wants to be in the middle of things. If someone is on the phone and in the house, she starts barking. Why aren't you talking to me?! Why are you giving that small object more importance than me? :)
So human-like. So lovely.

You don't talk to someone, it's a normal day for you. But when you talk, you're happy for no reason.
Not many people can make you feel that way.
Watch this video, it'll make you happy for sure.  :)

A perfect world.

Everybody has their own priorities in life. Some want to earn a lot of money. Some want to be famous. Some just want to be known as "the-guy-who-does-X-awesomely".
Whatever it is, everybody is after something.
But in that pursuit of theirs, they're trying to put everyone else down. Why I ask? Why are people the way they are?
So what if you don't know something? Accept you don't know it. If the other person is mature enough, he will understand that you haven't done it before and would help you learn.
But if the person is one of those countless others who once you tell them you don't know something, will belittle you at every possible occasion just because he 'knows': that's when people act like they know it, even when they don't..
Actually it's not even about maturity. Coz even old uncles who are supposed to guide and support you put you down! So, it'n not even about age or maturity..Some superiority complex I guess. Everybody wants to be called a stud. Doesn't matter if they themselves have gained knowledge some 5 mins back from someone else, in front of others, they portray themselves to be know-it-alls.
To avoid that feeling of being put down.
But children, Wake up!
Arey how can everyone know everything bhai? What faaltuness.

At least they're being honest. At least they're trying to learn. At least they tried.
So this one time my friend invited us over to her house for lunch since her parents weren't home. She had made food for a big group (about 10 people) so salt/mirchi is bound to be off by a bit. But hey, atleast she tried.
Then, this guy started making fun of her. Why did you try to cook? Why did you even try making things when you couldn't? Paapa. Atleast she cooked. Atleast she invited You!
Boys are idiots.
People are mean!
And I am a saint.