Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mythological past Modernistic future.

Interesting read:

Read and come back here to discuss with me.
Ok first the title: 5 guys every women 'should' have is a bit too much. I don't think the categories of the bad guy or the love buddy need to be in there.

I also think you can't really put one person in just one category. There could be an overlap of traits, after all, humans are complicated. Your best friend could smoke or be the bad guy, vice-versa. The one person who fits all the categories would be your husband. More than the habits/ thoughts it's how well you gel with him.
Who cares what has happened in the past. Everyone has a past. But if you want that to ruin your future, then even God can't help you.
Going by the comments on that page, half of them are scandalized about dragging Draupadi into this. To them: Go read/ watch the series again. Actually read. Because a video edits out a lot of details from a book.
You cannot compare everything to the scriptures. Back then, there was no government. There were kingdoms. And different rules. People thought differently. When someone gave a word to someone else, it was final. Draupadi wanted Bheem to go kill someone just because he didn't keep his word. Would that happen now? Are men like that?
When the men have changed, so have the women.
Did women work anywhere other than being maids or courtesans or cooks back then? Didn't the men enjoy more than women and treat them as objects?
Now we have women working and running the household. some cases even supporting the out-of-a-job husband. The household dynamics have changed. There is a shift in power. The man is no longer the 'man' of the house. Roles change. So do the expectations.
But still there are men out there who want to treat women like they are objects. Wake up! Give her the respect she deserves.

And then there are others on that page, who are offended just to think that their wife would have been with a guy before. Hypocrites who would have desperately wanted/tried to get a gf in college, but couldn't get one. And now can't accept it that she would have been with someone. To all of them, may you get a wife who will lie to you about everything, just to keep you happy. Who will fulfill every whim and fancy, and keep you 'happy'.

People don't know from the beginning if a relationship will work or not. You keep going until you/other person feel that you cannot marry this person.
And then there is the fresh new start. It's not that a girl/boy would have wanted to have a past. It's just that he/she does. Accept it. Don't let that ruin your married life.

Does the writing seem too feminist? I'd love to know what you think about this.

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