Thursday, November 11, 2010

Miss you Dad.

It might sound out of the blue, but it has been on my mind for a while now. I have this feeling that as each day is passing by, I am going farther and farther away from everyone. Especially my Dad. To begin with I was really close to him. Usually girls tend to share everything with their Moms, right? But in my case, it was quite the opposite. I would tell everything to my Dad first and then he would tell Mom. So much so, that the first time I had my periods, I told Dad about it!

I was the apple of my Daddy's eye. I would readily agree to whatever he asked me to do. I had a Mushroom cut during my teenage years- the time when everyone is trying to dress up and be more feminine. I remember wanting to grow my hair after a certain point but held back because Dad liked it this way.

He was the funniest guy I knew. I loved his jokes. Like, ALL of them. I was his favorite kid. I started off watching cricket and liking it because he liked it. I think everyone is careless as a kid. Everyone makes mistakes. Mom would be the one who would always keep complaining saying look at her she is so careless/irresponsible. But Dad always overlooked it all and tried to save me from her wrath.

Then it began to change. Everything from cricket to hairstyle. From the jokes to the possessiveness. He slowly started agreeing with Mom. Things gradually began to change. But I remember this particular instance and things changed dramatically. I remember someday something happened, and he was like, your Mom always used to point out your mistakes and I would overlook them. But now I see that she was right.

And that's when he ceased being my God. That's when I started moving farther away from him. Now, I don't share anything with anyone. What is the point? Everyone's going to judge you anyway. Even your parents.

I know these are growing up issues. And I really want to get back to being my Paa's girl. I don't know what to do. I miss him. I wish he could see I am grown up and treat me like an adult. But then again, for him I will always be his daughter who he has to protect from the world.

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