Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weather woes and etc.

I've never ever been this bored in my entire life. And the bad weather doesn't help either. Went to the library to try and manage to finish homework. But thanks to two long phone calls, that is still undone. Wanted to go to a particular restaurant but didn't go, thanks to "busy" people. Come to think of it, I probably should have gone alone... Lesson learnt: Never depend on anyone for things that YOU want to do. Anyway, so no food, no homework. Plus a terrible neck ache all day, coz of an improper posture while sleeping. Since the day has practically come to an end, (it's just 5 pm and it's already dark as hell) I can't look forward to things getting better either. Hope you had a better day than I did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

99 times out of 100, the so called "BUSY" people when queried later would've definitely spent that time on non-sense stuff.