Some of the things I noticed that I like about the place and things that I don't. Things that mean so much here which you take for granted there...Things peculiar to me:
Been ages since I washed my feet. I was so particular about it in India! Every time I came back home from outside I HAD to wash them. Here: it's all good man!
It's been ages since I moved in a gang of girls. Actually any gang. Everybody here seems so preoccupied and busy with their own life. It's either their bf they are with, or no one.
Speaking of which, I think I like PDA. I don't see anything wrong in it. But you don't get to see it much in India.
PDA moments : When a girl at the place where I work at walked in wearing *nothing* but her bf's formal shirt. I thought it was cute :) everybody else (read: men) was staring ;)
Watching a sixty year old couple kiss with all that love even after all this time. It was the most romantic thing ever...
I like how you can speak to anyone here without wondering about his age and thinking Oh he's older I'm supposed to speak to him with deference. Everyone's on the same ground here. On the flip side I don't know where to draw a line between "normal talking" and "taking orders" from others.
Realized how annoying it is when you have a mixed group of people and you speak in some alien language known only to you and your friend. I always talk in English in a mixed group. You should too!
Smiling at strangers.
It looks forced most of the times to me. But sometimes it kinda brightens up your day. :) There's this old retired guy who waves to me every time I pass by his home. Feels nice.
But, Imagine smiling at strangers back home! People would either think you're crazy or there'll be a pack of hounds chasing you at every corner of the street.
You somehow become more Indian after getting here. I've never ever liked wearing authentic rural Indian stuff ever. But I will be wearing something soon, and I'm actually looking forward to it!
Strange it is, what life does to you...